

My name is Tucker Sholtes. I’m a 26 year man living outside of Columbia, SC.

For the past 13 years, I’ve suffered from depression. But I didn’t realize, or accept it, until October of 2018. Today, I’m happy to say I’m much more in touch with my emotions, my depression and my suicidal ideation.

I graduated from the State University of New York at Oswego in 2015 with bachelor’s degrees in Public Relations & Business Administration. Shortly after graduation, I pursued a career in Management and Strategy Consulting.

It went well at first, so I thought. But the weight of a break-up combined with some self image and confidence issues started to let the weight of the burdons inside of me break through. This happened two weeks before the completion of a strategy assignment I was on outside of Atlanta at a large University.

I should have taken a break. I knew I needed a break. But I didn’t take one. Instead, I continued powering through and got assigned to a new project. Working hard and focusing on my career was all I knew. At this time, I operated on logic. Brushed emotion off to the side. It worked for a little while, or so I thought it did. And then it broke me.

In May of 2019, I was forced to leave PwC as a result of my mental health and the misguided actions that came as I result.

Today, my hope is for this site to be a place where people can read about and relate to the struggles that come with depression and suicidal ideation. Mental Health is so important, especially in high intensity careers such as management consulting, investment banking and private equity where the hours can be long and often, the politics involved is cut throat.